Enjoy the prestige of a professional business address located in downtown Victoria B.C. Establishing a business presence with a downtown Victoria B.C. mailing address, gives your business a prime location at minimal cost. We’ll forward your mail to your Canadian or International addresses.
Direct your snail mail to your Digital Desks address in downtown Victoria B.C., and then have it forwarded to any Canadian or International address. You can also decided to pick it up, or have it scanned and emailed to you! It’s never been so easy to start a Victoria B.C. business!
Display prominently your new online social map pins for your prime Victoria B.C. office location. Easily set up your professional looking Google Business listing, for we can help you complete your Google Business listings with ease by scanning and emailing your verification codes. Online searches in the downtown core will find your new business listing first – just watch your website get more local traffic!
Enjoy unlimited access to our growing library of custom created Digital Desks Online Learning Webinars and other partner learning resources. We like to feed our members the latest business and technology strategies and tactics – so they can grow their business faster! Our online resource library includes pre-recorded webinars that include “How to Optimize Your Business Website”, “Personal Branding – How to Dominate your Target Market”, and “Escape Your Cubicle – How to Ditch Your Boss and Start Your own Business”, and more!
Enjoy unlimited access to online Slack community, and enjoy our group chats, online Zoom learning events, invitations to local luncheon and training events, and network easily with other executives, entrepreneurs and business owners. If you are working on growing your business from a residential address, this is a great chance to network with other local Victoria B.C. entrepreneurs!
Our partner “Red Maple Media Inc.”, is a multi-year “Ring Central Partner”, and can quickly set you up with your own “self-install” Voice-Over-IP digital telephone system. Plan options include: your own 1-800 or 1-888 number, VOIP hardware, and VOIP software setup. Never has it been so easy to work from home, but look like a downtown firm – with your new Ring Central digital phone system! Contact us for details info@digitaldesks.ca or 250-900-0316!
* – Additional Costs Incurred for this “Add-On”. Must be combined with base “Virtual Membership”. Contact us for details.[/leadinjection_textblock]